Monday, January 19, 2009

Week One.

(more to come later)
1. According to Sitney, what are some of the important differences between Meshes of the Afternoon and Un Chien Andalou?
The major differences are: Chien uses metaphors, Meshes doesn't; Meshes uses repetitive symbolism (key, knife, flower) while in Chien they simply repeat (clown clothes, box); in Chien all the space of the frame is used, in Meshes we only see bits with the character walking through; Chien presents a more unstable world, Meshes is merely a dreamworld.

2. What does Sitney mean by an "imagist" structure replacing narrative structure in Choreography for the Camera?
Imagist structure = a single gesture or movement telling the entire story. So instead of having a lot of action to create the story for Choreography, there is simply one dancer making one movement.

3. According to Sitney, Ritual in Transfigured Time represents a transition between the psychodrama and what kind of film?
Ritual in Transfigured Time is a transition between psychodrama and the architectonic/mythopoeic film style.

4. Respond briefly to Sitney's reading of Ritual in Transfigured Time (27-28); is his interpretation compatible with your experience of the film?
I found his interpretation fairly compatible with what I remember of the film. I kinda wish I could go back and watch this again while I'm still thinking about the things I should be looking for and see if I understand it better - the first time around I missed details such as the three women playing the part of the Greek Graces.

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